Monday 10 December 2012

Nice-Dubai-Sydney in one go!

Current Location… Road side Motel Gold Coast Australia!

And how did we get here? Well… We took a flight with Emirates from Nice to Dubai.
That took roughly 6 hours. During the flight we had lunch and entertained ourselves with movies… We both watched The Bourne Legacy (2012) and we were both very disappointed. It is a bigger disappointment that The godfather three… to be honest it seems to not even have a plot.. Nor an actual ending… if I didn’t know better I would think that it was a bad reproduction of a Dan Brown fan fiction… The only thing that resembles the fourth film with the rest is the name…

So, we had an hour and a half at Dubai’s International Airport. I Enjoyed a Chai latte and a little sightseeing tour but saved the tax free shopping spree for our return flight.

Take two of our journey was long and a bit painful… 13 whole hours from Dubai to Sydney. However food was good, TV was bigger with more films to choose from, plane was newer and alcohol per usual gratis! But we didn’t have a window seat so nowhere to lean on for a few hours of sleep.
Finally arriving at Sydney airport 22.30 local time, we were worn-out… not looking forward to queues and bag scanning but fortunately it seems late arrival means no queues and because we were staying with Paul’s brother they seemed to trust us enough to let us go straight through. Australia, Sydney, Freedom!

Tips: If you have the opportunity to choose seats in advance with online check in this web-site can be very useful for guiding you to the best ones! Seat maps for all airplanes at . However you still have to check in early! Do it as soon as you are allowed! We didn’t think about it and didn’t have much to choose from… lesson learnt!