Saturday 10 July 2010

Tuesday 6th of July 2010

Two rather tired youngsters’ wakes up by the sound of an alarm going off in their brand-newly-finished motor home. (I don’t know if something that has been worked on for 3 plus years can legally be called brand new so brand-newly-finished is a more honest description)
They take in a deep breath of fresh morning air as they step out on to the tarmac of Portsmouth’s largest Tesco car park and abruptly they both realize why they are there.
This first Tuesday of July 2010 is “THE DAY”.

After a quick ferry ride involving sleeping, nice coffee, two completed suduku’s by Hanna and an unfinished Crossword by Paul, (And Hanna but for which she does not wish to take blame for the incompletes since she is a foreigner after all.) the Motor home drives off the ferry and on to French ground in Le Havre.

Our first stop is Versailles. We find a parking in the forest with a sign that says no overnight parking but since it is in French we choose not to understand it and take the risk. We park our home and drive off on the motorbike to soon find an Italian restaurant where we have Real Pizza and watch a bit of world cup football.

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