Wednesday 18 August 2010

Monday 12th of July 2010

We left the beautiful spot in Le Fountain Bleu and headed to Dijon.

Quickly confirmed that mustard is probably what they do best, and knowing we had a pot in the cupboard, we did not feel the urge to stick around. Half way to Lyon how ever, we did find a muddy place in the dripping rain by a lake. We decided that it was time to stay, rest have some pasta carbonara for dinner and hopefully get going again early morning!

Sunday 11th of July 2010

The first day of a minor motor home disaster...

The motor home feels rather hot when we wake up and as Paul gets up to open the door he walks by the fridge.
For some reason the fridge is pumping out hot air into the motor home and not out the vent.
Something has made it over heat and it would now be more suitable as an oven than a fridge(!).

Paul who can fix anything,
he was even the one who made the fridge into an oven by blocking its airways with foam.
This was although to stop the warm air getting into the m-home and force it out the vent so the thought was great it just didn’t work.
Anyway Paul who can fix anything did after 3 tours to some shop similar to B&Q fix the fridge.
He made two new vents, bigger and better placed.
He worked hard and determent until the little fridge was a fridge again.

The End!