Monday 19 July 2010

Friday 9th of July 2010

We leave the forest and head towards Disney Land. As we see the sign it strikes us that tomorrow, the day we had in mind for our visit is a Saturday.
A Saturday at Disney Land most certainly involves extra queues and extra kids.
The same goes for a Sunday.
For Hanna who has a bit of a problem with patience, queuing is unbearable and for Paul who every so often makes it very clear that he hates kids… well lets just say it wouldn’t be ideal.

Without hesitation we then turn around.
Leaving the magic world of screaming children with ice cream spilt all over themselves and hours of sweating in long hot queues. How ever much Hanna loves Disney, she will just have to wait for another day. Preferably a Monday far away from school breaks and public holidays.

We find our new back garden by a river in Le Fountain Bleu. After a Successful food shop including a lot of wine and everything we would need for a riverside tapas feast Paul tries his fishing luck which unfortunately ends before it has time to begin. The small fake fish with all those small hooks on it now rests peacefully on the bottom of the river, well hidden in the sea weed. But who cares about that when you have tapas for ten and five bottles of wine to cure all your sorrows.

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