Thursday 15 July 2010

Thursday 8th of July 2010

We wake up by the same nice spot in the forest,
but decide to skip the jog today and head straight in to Paris.
On the list of things to do is
Le Louvre.
We Park the motorbike on the pavement where everyone else parks their two wheeled friends and walk over to the museum.

The visit was tiring but interesting.
We got a shot of The Mona Lisa, which seem to be the main target for 95% of the people visiting Le Louvre, except for Paul who had been there once before and seen everything but one of the most famous paintings in modern time.
At least he can tick it of his list now. =)
We both agreed that the state rooms of La Louvre Palace were what we enjoyed the most, and it had the least people! Double luck.

Finally out in the hot Paris air again Hanna feel a sudden urge to jump in the water and play in the fountain but Paul stills her childish mind and she agrees that a quick photo in front of the fountain with water up to her ankles will be good enough.
Obviously grown up men don’t make scenes nor do they like to get wet so Paul has a photo on the dry.

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