Monday 19 July 2010

Saturday 10th of July 2010

A Very chilled out day by the river. Paul got treated a well needed haircut in the sun, and a new set of hooks sank AND most importantly a float was bought.
A nice boat with a Swedish flag sailed by.
Le Bistro Valldri offered a mushroom risotto with chorizo for dinner, and loud midnight entertainment by the local youngsters.

Friday 9th of July 2010

We leave the forest and head towards Disney Land. As we see the sign it strikes us that tomorrow, the day we had in mind for our visit is a Saturday.
A Saturday at Disney Land most certainly involves extra queues and extra kids.
The same goes for a Sunday.
For Hanna who has a bit of a problem with patience, queuing is unbearable and for Paul who every so often makes it very clear that he hates kids… well lets just say it wouldn’t be ideal.

Without hesitation we then turn around.
Leaving the magic world of screaming children with ice cream spilt all over themselves and hours of sweating in long hot queues. How ever much Hanna loves Disney, she will just have to wait for another day. Preferably a Monday far away from school breaks and public holidays.

We find our new back garden by a river in Le Fountain Bleu. After a Successful food shop including a lot of wine and everything we would need for a riverside tapas feast Paul tries his fishing luck which unfortunately ends before it has time to begin. The small fake fish with all those small hooks on it now rests peacefully on the bottom of the river, well hidden in the sea weed. But who cares about that when you have tapas for ten and five bottles of wine to cure all your sorrows.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Thursday 8th of July 2010

We wake up by the same nice spot in the forest,
but decide to skip the jog today and head straight in to Paris.
On the list of things to do is
Le Louvre.
We Park the motorbike on the pavement where everyone else parks their two wheeled friends and walk over to the museum.

The visit was tiring but interesting.
We got a shot of The Mona Lisa, which seem to be the main target for 95% of the people visiting Le Louvre, except for Paul who had been there once before and seen everything but one of the most famous paintings in modern time.
At least he can tick it of his list now. =)
We both agreed that the state rooms of La Louvre Palace were what we enjoyed the most, and it had the least people! Double luck.

Finally out in the hot Paris air again Hanna feel a sudden urge to jump in the water and play in the fountain but Paul stills her childish mind and she agrees that a quick photo in front of the fountain with water up to her ankles will be good enough.
Obviously grown up men don’t make scenes nor do they like to get wet so Paul has a photo on the dry.

First morning in France 7/7 2010

Our first morning in France!
A fresh start welcomes a new improved lifestyle!

Paul- “We should start running when we get to France baby, I am brining my trainers.”
Hanna- “But I do run already and I don’t think I ever stopped?”
Paul- “Eh yeah well”
Hanna- “But I am happy for you to start running too! Then we can run together.”

So here we are, in the Le foret de Versaille running together.
How great are we!
After not too long my (Hanna’s) Ignored cold makes it self reminded and I decide that it is probably better to walk around than suffocate from my own euwy gue.
Paul slows down too and we start walking back to the M-home.

After twenty two “I think this must be the right way” we agree that we are lost.
We meet a old man who ask us for the lake or “se pool” as he calls it and we tell him we haven’t seen any lake.
We then ask him for the directions to town and he laughs out loud before he ask us what town? “sthis is sa very large foret! sit could be four sdifferent town!” He laughs again and shakes his head.
I think all of us can imagine what he was thinking.
This makes us realize just how big this forest is but after a long hill climbing session and a few turns we find ourselves on a road we recognize.
All though very far from home!

After the rather exhausting morning we take the motorbike in to Paris. Thank god for motorbikes! The capital of never ending queues is no match for the BMW.

We have lunch in the shade by the Eiffel Tower and Paul cracks the brilliant idea of following tourist busses. That takes us to the beautiful Cathedral Notre Dame.
Even better is that it takes us to a piano bar-boat with a great view of the master piece where we can take in all that culture and history while sipping cold beer and rosé!

Saturday 10 July 2010

Tuesday 6th of July 2010

Two rather tired youngsters’ wakes up by the sound of an alarm going off in their brand-newly-finished motor home. (I don’t know if something that has been worked on for 3 plus years can legally be called brand new so brand-newly-finished is a more honest description)
They take in a deep breath of fresh morning air as they step out on to the tarmac of Portsmouth’s largest Tesco car park and abruptly they both realize why they are there.
This first Tuesday of July 2010 is “THE DAY”.

After a quick ferry ride involving sleeping, nice coffee, two completed suduku’s by Hanna and an unfinished Crossword by Paul, (And Hanna but for which she does not wish to take blame for the incompletes since she is a foreigner after all.) the Motor home drives off the ferry and on to French ground in Le Havre.

Our first stop is Versailles. We find a parking in the forest with a sign that says no overnight parking but since it is in French we choose not to understand it and take the risk. We park our home and drive off on the motorbike to soon find an Italian restaurant where we have Real Pizza and watch a bit of world cup football.

En Route!

Suddenly the adventure begins.
It has taken slightly longer than planned…
I know that you are laughing in agreement reading this and it is ok!
A lot of people doubted that it would ever happen and some might still think it won’t, but here comes the announcement loud and clear.
We are En Route! And we are happy for you to follow us on this site.

Let’s take it from the beginning.